by Mary Ann Price Stucki

I wish to bear my testimony today so that my family and all may know that I have one. I know that God lives and that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God. I know that if we live right and keep God’s commandments He will bless us—we will be led into righteousness as if by the hand. We never need be afraid but that we will receive all we deserve. By observing the law of tithing the windows of heaven have been opened unto me. By living the principles of the gospel great avenues of happiness have come to me and my family. By teaching and living correct principles my children and I have become partakers of satisfaction, joy, and happiness. By keep the word of wisdom I have lived long and enjoyed strength far beyond my expectations. By the administration of the Elders, holding the Melchizedek Priesthood I have been raised from serious illness many times.

Our Father in Heaven tells us, "Ask and Ye shall receive, knock and it shall be opened unto you." This has surely been true in my case. Don’t be discouraged, live the best you can, try to improve and pray always, and eventually the answer will come. Live and help to make your prayers come true. I know this to be true. I have experienced this, and I know it is true. God will reward us if we live worthy and serve Him faithfully.

This is my testimony to all my dear children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren, and all my descendants. So we must live righteously if we are to gain the blessings of the Lord. May God’s Spirit be ever with each one, I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

(Added Later)

If we keep God’s commandments and live the gospel He will lead us by the hand, and just that far Satan will be tried and pure happiness is the result.

My Golden Years, simplicity and humility personified. Under this sweet influence I have been able to form a few sentences that may convey my feelings.

May joy and contentment prevail in your homes, and grow in your hearts through your older years. Love and truth are important virtues, also purity and chastity.

To thine own self be true, then as sure as the night follows the day, then thou canst not be false to any man. I haven’t words to express my gratefulness and appreciation to my most worthy children for the love and kindness they have shown me through all the years of their lives. I love each one down to the depths of my soul. A mother couldn’t have better children with better wives and husbands; I love them as my own. May God Bless you.