Mary Ann Price Stucki

An Autobiography

Written in 1943


 As a result of trying to find an answer to the familiar question, "Who am I, where did I come from and why am I here," I can only give the following information with assurance through research found and honestly stated.

My paternal and maternal ancestors came from England and Wales. My Grandfather, John Price, came from Gladestry, Wales to New York as a young man. He came for the purpose of finding a new home. America meant freedom, adventure and opportunity.

The earliest of my mother's people to come to America were William Reed and Maybel Kendall, Puritans, who came for the purpose of religious freedom. Their parents were Thomas Reed and Mary Cornwall. They lived at Brocket Hall, an old castle, built by ancestors many years earlier in New Castle Upon-Tyne, Northumberland, England. They settled in Woburn, Middlesex, Massachusetts, where for many generations they lived in religious peace and financial prosperity. My great-grandfather, Nathaniel Reed married Hepsibah Bateman. He and two of his brothers, Thaddeus and Josiah fought in the Revolutionary War to help gain our independence. More concerning the records of our ancestors and their families who have served to protect our freedom can be found in our Service Record published by the Price family in 1953.

My father, Isaac Thomas Price, was born 26 October 1855 in Cincinnati, Hamilton County Ohio, the son of John Price and Mary Ann Wingrove. His mother first heard the gospel in Durham England and was baptized there 1 September 1849. The earliest baptism date for John (Isaac) Price is March of 1856, but a complete date is a re-baptism of 13 February 1857 in Cincinnati, Ohio. John Price was ordained a priest 21 Jun 1857. They were members of the first branch of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in that city. The record states they left Cincinnati 12 December 1858 to go to St. Louis to join the Saints there. They came across the plains in the Warren S. Snow Company, arriving in Salt Lake City 2 November 1864 in a blinding snow storm. John Price eventually settled in Wanship, Summit County, Utah. They possessed great faith. Mary Ann is credited with having said she would be willing to live on bread and water if she could only come to Utah and live with the Latter-day Saints. This blessing she never realized as she was killed instantly when she attempted to alight from the wagon to get a drink of water for her son Isaac, who was driving the oxen on the dusty trail.

I knew my Grandfather, John (Isaac) Price, and his second wife, Ellen Hick Price; my other grandparents died before I was born.

My mother, Ann Maria Reed, was born in Spanish Fork, Utah County, Utah the 28th of March 1860. She was the daughter of Luther Reed and Elizabeth Sophia Bailey. Luther was born 11 August 1879 in Jaffery, Jefferson County New Hampshire. His father had moved to Jaffery after the close of the Revolutionary War where he found farm land and opportunities for his growing family. Luther was the youngest of a family of thirteen children. There were seven boys and six girls in this family. The first two children were born in Lexington, all the others were born in Jaffery, Jefferson County, New Hampshire.

In the course of time different religions sprang up. The Buell family lived in the vicinity of New Port. They built a church and vouched for the Baptist faith. About this time the new Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was organized. Solomon Mack, an uncle of Joseph Smith, was called to be a missionary in the area around Gilsum, New Hampshire. He organized the first branch of the Church in Gilsum, and Luther, although living some distance away, was baptized and became a member of the new church. Luther Reed married Charity Buell; they moved to Nauvoo where they helped to build the Temple. Charity became the mother of three baby girls, all who died soon after birth. Charity also died. Later Luther married Clarissa Caulkins, the daughter of William and Katherine Caulkins of New Port, New Hampshire. Together they joined the Henry W. Miller Company and came west with the pioneers, arriving in Salt Lake City 21 September 1852. They lived in Mill Creek for a few years. After the death of Clarissa, Luther married my Grandmother, Elizabeth Sophia Bailey. Luther being a millwright and turner by trade, decided to move to Tooele, Utah where their son, Luther Bailey Reed was born. Later when Johnston's Army came into Salt Lake Valley they were advised to move to Goshen where they lived until the trouble was over. They then moved to Spanish Fork where my mother, Ann Maria Reed, was born. In the spring of 1862 Luther was called to settle the Bear Lake country. He left his family in Spanish Fork with his wife's mother, Ann Smith Bailey, for four years, then returned for them. Luther settled in Round Valley, Utah. He built a mill near Big Spring. Later the Indians became hostile and he built a house in Laketown. It was to this house he moved his family. In 1868 the Indians again became very hostile. Luther moved his family to Bloomington, Idaho, where he built another mill. He died 23 April 1871 as a result of exposure after accidentally falling into the millrace. He was seventy-four years of age.

My Grandmother, Elizabeth Sophia Bailey, was born in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, 22 July 1823. Her father, Joseph Brown Bailey, was an English soldier, guarding the British outposts, therefore, they were stationed in various places. He finally returned to England where they settled in Bath, Somerset, England. Elizabeth worked in a stationery store. After the death of her father she and her mother heard the gospel and emigrated to America in 1855. She came with the pioneers to Salt Lake Valley. As her brother George had preceded them to the Valley, they naturally come to live with him in Mill Creek. It was here that Elizabeth met Luther Reed and was later married to him 22 April 1857.

After the death of Luther Reed in Bloomington in April 1871, Elizabeth and her two children, Luther and Ann Maria stayed in Bloomington for about two years. She made her living sewing for others; they also had some cows that the children cared for. Finally they decided to move to Laketown where Elizabeth could near her sister, Ellen Lamborn, who had emigrated from England. Elizabeth sold her home and the sawmill in Bloomington and bought a place in Laketown. Again, it was the responsibility of the children to care for the cows. Ann, my Mother, was assigned the job of hunting the calves after they had been turned out on the foothills to feed. Sometimes they strayed into far places.

The Price family had moved from Wanship, Summit County, Utah, to Round Valley where they had built a home on a spring there, which became known as Price's Spring. It was in the foothills of this area where Mother, Ann Maria Reed, was looking for her animals when she met my father, Isaac Thomas Price.

Later, the two young people met in Church as they both attended Sacrament Meetings, and Mutual meetings in the Ward at Laketown. When they became better acquainted and Father ventured to ask to take her home after Mutual one night. They then "kept company" for sometime. Mother said she liked Isaac because he proved to be honest and was a religious man who kept the Word of Wisdom. Father liked Mother because she was pure and innocent, willing to work and of a kindly disposition. He thought she would be willing to care for animals as well as household duties and she loved children--he wanted a family.

Father was industrious and thrifty. He homesteaded a piece of land and built a log cabin on it. He even made furniture of the best lumber he could find. In due time Father and Mother were married, on the 26th of September 1878. To this union and in this setting twelve children came to bless their home. Their names were: Alice Annie, Elizabeth Ellen, Mary Ann, Isaac Elvin, Ezra Luther, Franklin Jesse, Wilford Marion, Myrtle Henretta, Malvern Wingrove, Laverne Reed, Leslie Lyman, and Asael Woodruff.

The house built by my Father in Round Valley, in which we were all born, is still standing. It is owned by Glenn Price, son of Franklin Jesse. It has been remodeled a few times and one would never know or recognize that it looked as it did when I was born 2 June 1884. Father went into the nearby canyon with his ox team, cut down huge fir trees, trimmed off great limbs with his axe, brought them to this favored place, measured, cut them to fit, and put them into place all by himself. That is why the old house holds a warm spot in my heart. Love and fond hopes filled his heart as he worked. The cabin faced the west, a door in the center and a window on each side with twelve panes of glass 8x12 inches. On the north was a window of the same size. The south end was without openings. On the east was a door. On the inside there was a partition placed south of the front door which formed a bedroom in the south end of the structure. On the east of this structure was built a sloping addition with doors at each end, north and south, with a window in the east and south. The addition served as a kitchen. In the northeast corner by means of a partition a square space was converted into a pantry where deep shelves on three walls provided storage space. Mother set up milk in pans so the cream would rise. Each night and morning she skimmed the cream from the milk and butter was churned from the cream. The milk left over from the family needs was fed to the pigs on the farm.

Here in this humble home in Round Valley in the northern part of Rich County, Utah, I was born, 2 June 1884, at near twelve noon, to the best parents a girl could ever have, Isaac Thomas Price and Ann Maria Reed Price. The day was bright and sunny. Grandmother, Ellen Hick Price was there. Father was away on business to Evanston, Wyoming where he had furnished a ride for two young ladies, Sarah Simmons and Jane Wanlass, for them to return to their homes in the lower valleys. When Father returned to find I had arrived, "another girl", he was disappointed. As usual he could see no use in objecting and being disgruntled. It was very clear what her name should be. The first girl, Grandmother Ellen preferred the name of Queen Alice, and added mother's (Ann) with a slight change, making it Alice Annie. The Second girl named for the two living grandmothers, Elizabeth Ellen. Now, this one should be named for his Mother, Mary Ann.

The relatives and neighbors drawled the words when speaking my name which gave me the feeling, "I wish my name was something else", although I had no preference. When I entered high school I insisted on being called Mary. Now in my later years I have learned to love my name. I am proud of the fact that I was named for my grandmother who made the supreme sacrifice that I am recipient of such a wonderful life and countless blessings.

As far back as I can remember, whenever Father talked of his Mother, Mary Ann Wingrove Price, a lump came into his throat and he could not continue his conversation. I have always wondered just what all this really meant to him. I wish I had realized the full meaning of it all when I was young. It was important that I emulate her wonderful example. I often ask myself, "have I succeeded to any degree?"

Grandfather, John Isaac (the name of his brother, which he took after Isaac's death) was rather small in stature, probably about five feet, three inches tall, with dark blue eyes, clear complexion, black wavy hair worn long over his ears. He possessed a pleasant countenance and agreeable disposition. He was a good singer and led the choir in church in the Laketown ward. I remember how he used to sing the church hymns as he sat in his arm chair by the window. He married Ellen Hick as a second wife. She was always nice to us, his grandchildren. After they moved to Laketown from Round Valley, and Grandmother became ill and needed help, Lizzie and I used to go there and wash for them, clean their house, pick fruit and do other chores. We loved them and they loved us. They taught us good manners, English customs, and told us of their experiences in England and of crossing the plains.

My Father, Isaac Thomas Price, was taller than his father, he stood about five feet nine inches tall. He had kindly blue eyes, clear complexion and straight brown hair. I loved him very dearly. He was my ideal of a father. He was always kind and good to me. He insisted on strict obedience to his wishes, but regardless of my many mistakes and imperfections, he had a loving way that let me know that he loved me and cherished me. I felt welcome to go to him for advice and counsel. His heart was filled with love for all his children and he was very anxious that they live correctly and serve the Lord. In his mind there was no substitute for truth and honesty. He lived honestly and expected the same of his children and in fact, he expected it of all humanity. He was good to the poor, fed the hungry and visited the sick and needy. He was the Bishop of the Round Valley Ward for almost twenty years. I do not remember a time when Father ever turned a needy person from his home without trying to supply his needs. Our home was a half-way house between the lower Utah Valleys and the Wyoming-Idaho Valleys where people traveled to markets, Yellowstone Park, Snake River projects, etc. We became acquainted with many prominent, good people through the accommodations Father and Mother offered to travelers. Many time I have slept on the floor so that older people could occupy my more comfortable bed. I learned from my parents' example to love my neighbor as myself.

My earliest recollection is when an older lady, with very sharp dark eyes, would not let me go into the bedroom to be with my Mother. My sisters, Alice and Lizzie, kept taking me away from trying to enter the bedroom. I remember that I was just tall enough to reach the brown door knob which constantly kept eluding my grasp. I could not touch the pretty white clothes hanging over the back of a chair near the kitchen stove. The truth was, the lady was Mrs. Jane Burton Early, midwife, who was there to usher in the birth of my first baby brother, Isaac Elvin, born 29 January 1887. This event brought joy and happiness to the entire family.

Another event happened about the same year during the summertime. On the south of our house ran a sparkling stream of water which was used for culinary purposes. It was approaching evening, my Mother and sisters were out in the yard. Mother was bringing a brass bucket full of water into the house. I planned to descend the three steps and go out in the yard, too. Upon reaching the top step I over balanced and fell head first onto a "swill bucket" cutting a gash in my left eyebrow. How I wanted my Father to come to comfort me. As it was near the end of the day he quit work and came to the house. I was very happy.

As a young child I was inclined to be fat, or of a stalky build. I had quite a hard time coordinating my actions, and working with safety. I had blonde hair, blue eyes, and a clear complexion with little or no freckles. Mother parted my hair in the middle and made braids on each side of my head then joined those in with braids on each side at the back. I was not really pleased with the style, but I didn't know for a long time what to do about it.

My health during my younger years was very good except for the attacks of the so called childhood diseases. Measles, mumps, whooping cough, chicken pox were all taken in stride. When I was about eleven years old I contracted scarlet fever. I became very ill. My Father and the men of the neighborhood, who held the Priesthood, were away freighting their farm produce to market. In those days there were no doctors to prescribe for sickness, we depended entirely upon the Lord and administration of the Elders holding the Priesthood of God to heal our ills. One night my fever rose dangerously high. Mother cooled my head and did everything she knew to do for me, but with no results. Finally, she took the consecrated oil and anointed my head and prayed to the Lord for my recovery. I remember my sisters, Alice and Lizzie, and my brother Ezra, who was about six years old, kneeling by my bedside as they prayed for me. By morning the fever had subsided and I felt very much better. As a result of the fever great scales of skin dropped from my body. This was a testimony to me that God hears and answers our prayers. Later, the principle of the gospel was explained to me that through the covenant of eternal marriage, women hold the Priesthood in connection with their husbands. My Mother and Father were sealed by the Covenant of Celestial Marriage. That was why she anointed me, and prayed for me, and I got well.

I was baptized a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the waters of Bear Lake on 3 August 1892 by Brother John Weston. I was confirmed a member of the Church in the Laketown Ward by Ephriam Watson. In those days Fast Day was held on Thursday. We walked from Round Valley to Laketown to attend Fast Meeting that Thursday. I remember how hungry I was when we got back home in the afternoon. I believe that I understood the significance of the occasion. I had in my mind how important it was not to sin or do anything that I would have to answer for. I realized that a record was being kept in heaven by the angels, and I had arrived at the age of accountability, when I would have to account for all wrong doing. I received my Patriarchal Blessing when I was ten years old.

Father was president of the MIA and we all attended Sunday School. Before 1888 we used to visit with the Lamborn family at noon on Sunday. Aunt Ellen Lamborn (Mother's Aunt) used to be very nice to us. In the fall of 1888 Grandfather and Grandmother Price bought a home from the Gibbons family and moved to Laketown. It was in December of that year that Uncle Johnny and Aunt Mary Ellen were married and came to live in the J.I. Price house at Price's Spring in Round Valley.

As a young child I had few playmates, or companions, other than my two sisters. We were usually kept busy with chores and work at home. Occasionally Hannah Allen came to play. The Joseph Gibbons family lived about a mile away and came twice that I can remember. The Lamborn girls of Laketown came occasionally too. Ada was four days younger than I so we felt we had something in common and visited often. We attended Fielding and she lived with me and Lizzie one winter in Paris.

In those days farmers were allowed to turn their cows and other animals out on the foothills to graze. My Father had a large herd of milk cows and from the time I was ten years old until I turned seventeen, it was my job to take the cows out in the morning and to gather them in at night. At times they were hard to find, so Father put a bell on one of the most gentle cows. I remember she was a blue cow (that may seem funny, but it was true). In doing this work I learned many valuable lessons. I prayed often and depended upon the guidance of the Lord in helping me to find the animals and not to fear the loneliness of my task.

Along with the work came many other chores and projects that Father initiated for me. Trapping squirrels was one. Sometimes the ground squirrels were so numerous they destroyed a field of grain in a very short time. I was to set out traps to catch the squirrels. Sometimes weasels and skunks got caught in the traps. One summer I concentrated upon raising chickens. Father provided a small building which had been used for smoking meat, for me to raise my chickens. I tended the hens very carefully. I made nests for them and shut them safely in. Each morning I opened the nests and fed and watered the hens. My efforts were rewarded. I raised to maturity more than one hundred hens. There was a great deal of work attached to this project. Feeding and caring for the flock of chickens was a big job which I continued during the winters as well as during the summer time.

I also helped Father with the farm chores; I fed pigs, cows, horses and sheep in both winter and summer. When I was old enough I turned the bundles of grain and stacked them in the fields to dry. We would harvest about three thousand bushels of wheat, barley and oats in a season. The winter of 1898-99 I fed sheep all winter. I would get up at five o'clock in the morning, feed the sheep, come to the house and help prepare the breakfast, carry all the days supply of water, get ready for school and walk a mile to school.

Father loved music. He played the violin. During the long winter evenings we would gather around the heating stove and sing and listen to Father play his violin. One day after being away to sell his farm produce he came home with a new organ. It was a great delight to all of us. Lizzie soon taught herself to play. Alice, too, learned to play by ear and to accompany Father as he played for parties and entertainment. When I had time from the many farm and household chores I learned some of the fundamentals of playing the organ. Mother taught us to sing in harmony and I liked to sing alto.

When I was about fourteen Father asked his counselor Joseph Anderson to train a choir as he thought it would be a fine addition to the ward meetings. I was asked to take part. All the young people met together on Sunday nights for practice. The regular singing practices and participation in the Church activities, Mutual, Religion class and Sacrament meeting furnished a great deal of entertainment for a large group of young people. Father often gave ward dances where everyone was invited and young and old participated. Father played the violin and different other people like William Loftus and Arthur Smith joined in with guitar or harmonica music. Most any of the girls, Jane Early Hyden, Martha and Mary Anderson and my sister Alice played accompaniment on the organ. This kind of entertainment continued for many years. The dancing changed through the years from square dances and waltzes to two-step, Chicago glide, schottisches and polka to jazz etc. but the dancing still went on and everyone had bushels of fun. I filled the office of Assistant Secretary of the Primary, Secretary of the Religion Class and teacher in Sunday School. I attended all Church functions regularly.

One summer my Mother taught me to sew. I made me a lovely dress which fit me well, and looked very nice. After that I did all my own sewing with the exception of my Christmas dress which Mother made for me. I have always liked to sew and it has become my loved hobby, and often a means of earning money.

At times I hired out to work. Once I worked for Eliza Irwin for fifty cents for two week's work. I worked for Zetta Nebeker for four weeks for one dollar. I bought the cloth to make me a new dress with the money.

My school days began in the fall after I had turned six in June. I thought I would like the teacher so was anxious to go--I was shamefully disappointed! It was in the Laketown school house. We walked from our home in Round Valley to Laketown, a distance of three miles. My sister Lizzie liked the teacher, Miss Pansy Shoot. There were not enough desks for all the pupils. Two little girls had to sit on the big, long lumber benches ordinarily used at Church. Carrie Bohi and I. The teacher took no notice at all. We sat like dunces. If we held up our hand to go out it didn't make one bit of difference. We were quiet. A few days passed. I asked father why I couldn't take part like Lizzie in school. From that time on I stayed home.

Father was trying to get a school district organized in Round Valley. This was finally accomplished by January 1891, and we had a teacher who had time to take notice of First Graders. James Gordon was my first teacher. School was held in the old Pete Allen home until a log structure was built. Other teachers who taught school in Round Valley during these years were Della Cheney, William Jenkins, Quirria Austin, Charles Humphreys, George F. Bateman, Edward Gibbons, and Hannah Morgan.

The fifth grade was the highest grade taught at Round Valley and Hannah Morgan was the teacher. She was somewhat overtaxed in this mixed school of five grades and came up with the idea that two of the older girls could help the beginner group. Mabel Early and I could sit with our younger brothers and teach them to do different activities with alphabetical cards.

After some discussion Father and Mother decided Wilford was a real bright boy and could work by himself, and so decided I was needed worse at home. Mother's health was not the best and Alice too was not well. She had asthma for years. Although she lived less than a block away, she and her family spent much of their time at our home. Then too, Lizzie was sick with anemia. Their troubles seemed to continue and so I was needed at home. Because my older sisters were not very well and my health was very good, I was able to work hard. When I was home my work was always the most strenuous because Mother needed me to do it. I scrubbed floors, chopped some of the wood; did the family washing with a tub and wash board, mixed all the bread, helped with the cooking and ironing. I kept Father's and the boy's white stiff front shirts washed, ironed and ready for Sunday meetings. I did all of my own sewing. I pieced a star block quilt top and learned to crochet some beautiful patterns of lace. Mother taught all of us girls how to work with raw wool. I learned how to wash, cord, and spin wool into yarn and knit different kinds of stockings, sox and sweaters. The heritage of work has been a great blessing in my life.

In the days of our childhood we were privileged to attend a "theater" given by a traveling troupe where we saw many interesting scenes which we found very amusing to imitate in our play on cold winter nights at home. This was made very real by fashioning an impromptu stage with mother's red and white checked table cloth for a curtain suspended by strings tied to the four corners to large nails at the back of the hearth stove. The pantry served as our dressing room. Our older sister made a fine male member of the cast with David Murphy overalls and a Stetson hat. Bessie our old rag doll, a sample of our mothers ingenuity and art, was our small child, sometimes sick and sometimes needing discipline. Dressed in our mother's long skirts, frills, and feathered hats we acted out many romantic and imaginary scenes. Father filled the intermission with music of the violin.

Many was the time we held concerts where both father and mother sang together old songs like "The Faded Coat of Blue", "The Girl I Left Behind", "Carry Me Back to Old Virginia", "Her Bright Smile Haunts Me Still", "Over the Hills to the Poor House", and many others.

Very often Father joined in our games and play which made our childhood days very happy and secure. One night when playing hide and seek, Father hid me in an empty, newly scrubbed lower shelf of the cupboard. What peals of laughter followed when after a long search I was discovered.

In December 1892 the Round Valley branch was organized and Father was chosen as the Branch President. In May of the following year it was changed to a Ward and Father was sustained as the Bishop. This made me very happy. I attended Church regularly and I learned a great deal in Sunday School, and Primary. The men in the valley worked together and built a log building which served as both the church and the school. The building was located in the meadow to be centrally located to serve the west and east sides of the valley in about equal distance. However, it was found that it was necessary to move the building to higher ground where the roads were better and the ground drier. Accordingly the building was moved over to the foothills on the east side of the valley, about a mile from our home. It was here where I went to school, church, singing practice and all ward functions. This was the center of all our amusements. Father played the violin and with other accompaniment on the organ and occasionally the guitar a very fine amusement program was carried on through the years.

An important event which became a turning point in my life began May 1, 1901. With my parents consent I went to Evanston, Wyoming where the Lamborn girls (our second cousins) were working. The enormous wage paid to girls doing housework, I guess, was the great attraction. It was my first experience at being away from my family and I really got homesick at times. I promised my parents I would go to Church and be a good girl. An aunt of the Lamborn's, Mary Dawson, was a great help and a good friend to me. I found work at the Isador Kastor home, a Jewish family. I learned many new things. It was hard work. Spring brought housecleaning with paper hangers and painters to clean up after. The large weekly washing and ironing for the parents and three children. All for three dollars a week! I thought I really earned that fabulous sum. After the house cleaning was over the mother and children went on a vacation to Chicago, so I was no longer needed, but Mrs. Kastor was very good to me and found another place for me to work. My new job was at the home of Dr. Harrison. His home was across from the County Court House. There were three children in this family, Ralph, a druggist, Mary, the older girl, engaged to be married and Helena, just my age, who had spent the winter at Notre Dame in South Bend, Indiana. She had been attending a Catholic school and arrived home a few days after I started to work there. They showed me some of her beautiful clothes as they unpacked her trunks. A Catholic school--it sounded awful to me.

On Sunday I usually had time off to attend Church in the evening. Evanston, at that time, was only a branch and meetings were held in the I.O.O.F. Hall. Several of us girls would go to Church together. We were very careful not to be on the street at night alone. In June there was an LDS Conference held in Evanston and the Church visitors were Apostles Matthias F. Cowley and Reed Smoot, on their way from visiting the new project in Byron and Lovell, Wyoming. I was especially interested because at that time my Uncle Luther Bailey Reed was pioneering the new settlement in the Big Horn Basin.

I remember the faith promoting talks given by these two men and their humility. It was then that I could see the difference between being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and being a Jew or a Catholic. I made up my mind in that meeting I would go home and work hard and ask Father and Mother to let me go to school where I could live with Latter-day Saints. Worldly ways had no charm for me. A little later in the summer Father had to make a business trip to Evanston before starting his haying, and I prepared to return home with him. He told me that I had a new baby brother at home, Leslie Lyman Price.

After the crops were all in and the fall work completed it was decided that Lizzie and I could go to Paris, Idaho and attend the Bear Lake Stake Academy. A new building was then in the process of being built on the hill west of Paris. We arrived in Paris in November, after Thanksgiving. We rented one small room on the upstairs of the Hugh Findlay home one block north of Pendrey's Store. We had a very enjoyable winter. We were very happy. In the year of 1902 we both graduated from the eighth grade. Our graduation exercises were held in the Bear Lake Stake Tabernacle. I was so happy to sit on the Bishop's stand. I sat in the very seat where my Father sat when attending quarterly conference. We continued to attend Fielding Academy as it was later named, for three consecutive years. We took many subjects and learned a great deal. At first there were only two teachers, Richard Theadore Haag and Adeline Spencer, the mother of Leanora Spencer Stucki. Later the north wing was added to the building and more teachers joined the faculty, George A. Cole, Blanche Cooper, Thresa Porter, Miss White, Daniel T. Thomander. More subjects were added to the curriculum and we took a first year normal course, psychology and pedagogy. I enjoyed my school days. I loved all of my teachers. I was often asked to help them in various ways. I worked on a committee to gather books for the school library. I was lead alto in the school choir. Lizzie and I often sang duets in the various programs and plays. My hand writing was considered one of the best and I often copied programs, names, etc. for the teachers. I worked on committees for decorations, played on the school girl basketball team. I have a small autograph book with expressions from my teachers which I hold of great value.

While attending Fielding Academy I joined the Paris First Ward and attended all ward functions. Taking part in the different organizations, Sunday School, Mutual, and Sacrament Meeting. Lizzie and I often sang duets in Mutual and conjoint meetings, where the young women and young men of the ward met together. We attended the ward dances given frequently by the wards. I had many friends and enjoyed life immensely. I made friends at that time who have remained true through all the many years and I appreciate this very much.

It was here at Fielding that I met my future husband, Joseph Smith Stucki. We kept company for two years. We were married 4 April 1904 in Salt Lake City, Utah by a Brother Morris. Our courtship days were indeed happy. Because of my attending school in Paris Joseph didn't have to make many long trips to Round Valley. The few he did make though were somewhat eventful. One time he came on a Sunday morning with a team of driving horses and a light four-wheel buggy. He stayed until evening and went to singing practice with me. My brothers were variable pranksters. Before Joseph went to hitch his horses to the buggy Ezra and Frank changed the wheels on the buggy, putting a back wheel on the front and a front wheel on the back. This caused the vehicle to operate very unevenly--to even wobble. When we were riding in it I thought something was surely wrong, but as he was anxious to be on his way home I said nothing. He continued his trip not noticing what had happened. The next day his Father walked by the buggy and noticed it at once. After a close examination it was found that the boxings in all four wheels were badly worn and the buggy was not used much afterwards. My folks had a good laugh but it was an expensive trip for Joseph. We were kidded about love being blind. In this case it was surely true.

After our marriage Joseph worked for his father for a few years. We lived on a farm north of Paris where he milked cows and farmed in the summer until the haying began on the ranch in "Paris bottoms", which lasted until fall. When fall came the grain had ripened and the grain on the farm took all his attention. Thus alternating many moves from farm to ranch.

Our first child, an almost ten pound bouncing blue eyed boy was born. He was our pride and joy. How happy we were! Mother came to be with me. William B. West was the doctor. Father came to go to Stake Priesthood meeting and we asked him to bless him. We named him Joseph Wendell. We later moved to the ranch. Of course, we thought we had to spend some of the Christmas holidays with our parents. We spent a couple of days with Grandma Stucki then went to Round Valley and stayed two days. The trip was made by horse and buggy so it was very slow traveling. The snow was not deep but the weather was very cold. Upon reaching Paris, I knew the baby was sick. He had a very severe cold. For a few days he was dangerously ill. Father came down and he and Grandfather Stucki administered to him. Dr. West had said he could not live until morning. The next day when the doctor made his early morning examination he said the baby would live. This was a glowing testimony of the goodness of God to us, his children. Joseph made daily trips to the ranch to care for the cattle. The baby and I lived at Grandma Stucki's until it was time to move to the farm.

In early spring of 1906 our second child, a daughter was born. The image of her daddy with curly hair, but very small--only 6 1/4 pounds. Our joy was complete--a boy for you and a girl for me! We named her Evelyn. Dr. West was my doctor. We had Grandpa Stucki bless her.

We moved to the ranch in early spring and rented two rooms from Aunt Lena and Uncle Charles Cole on the hill. Later we made a deal with Walter Findlay to buy the old Orson Pendry home on Second North and Second West in Paris. Joseph continued to work for his father. We lived in this home two and a half years. I took boarders one winter, my brother Ezra and also Ezra Crook of Garden City.

It was 8 April 1908 that our third darling came to town, an 8lb. baby girl with brown eyes and black wavy hair. So sweet and lovable. The day she was 10 days old Joseph left to get a new start. His job with his father had proven unsatisfactory in some respects. He had signed up with Parley Allred, a representative for Loverin and Brown, as a salesman. He planned to sell groceries. The Minidoka Project out in Cassia County Idaho, where a large tract of land was being offered under irrigation. It was being pictured as being a great opportunity in many ways to make money.

In May I took my baby up to Auntie Stucki's and Grandpa blessed her and I named her Mabel. About the first of June I had a letter telling me Joseph was very sick and was on his way home. After he arrived we got Dr. Geo. Ashley and he pronounced it small pox. All the family contracted the disease in turn--even Mabel my baby. Scars were left but none as bad as the ones on Mabel's face. As the years pass they become less noticeable.

In the fall Joseph rented a small 2 room house in Burley, Idaho and sent for me and the children. I packed all I thought I would need and moved out of our home. Even though I had been told in a way what kind of place I would find I was completely surprised and taken back to find such primitive surroundings. Sagebrush country with houses in clusters here and there.

We joined the ward there. There was a frame building for a church several blocks away. We liked the bishop and his family. I attended Relief Society and Sacrament meeting whenever possible. A school building was nearby. Water supply was from wells and had to be carried from the neighbors. October presented some very chilly weather. Sagebrush hauled in large racks was our source of wood supply. Joseph being away weeks at a time, I was compelled to chop the brush and carry it into the house. The stalks were so light and fluffy they burned almost as fast as I could put them into the stove.

On October 28th I was taken very ill with chills and a high fever. I persevered two days until Jospeh came home. He summoned a doctor, a lady, who said it was Typhoid. It lasted five weeks. Neighbors came in and were very kind. Mabel, my baby, sat on the bed beside me. Joseph stayed three weeks then was compelled to go work. At the end of the five weeks I was better and the doctor let me sit up and move around some. Phlebitis set in and I was in bed with my foot elevated until about Christmas. I recovered sufficiently to bandage my leg and we took the children to the Christmas program. My leg was very painful and I did my work with my knee on a chair.

June 30, 1909 found us on our way back to Paris. Joseph returned to his work. I stayed with Joseph's folks and my folks for the summer and moved back to Paris in the fall.

Pearl was born October 13, 1909. A beautiful, 9lb. baby girl with beautiful large round blue eyes and clear skin and little or no hair. She was happy and without a whimper. It was a joy to hold and love her. Grandfather Stucki blessed her in Sacrament meeting in November.

Frank and Ezra lived with me that winter and also John Lamborn and Ezra Crook again.

With an invitation from my Father, who came to help, we moved my household goods to Round Valley. He bought a large, heavy canvas tent, and erected a small frame addition which I used for a kitchen. This served as living quarters for me and my four children for the summer of 1910. The summer past quickly and pleasantly. In February 1911 we moved back to Pairs.

In the fall of 1912 I was called as a Relief Society teacher, my companion was Annie Wilcox Nebeker.

In the spring of 1912 Joseph bought 160 acres of dry farm land from William Kulckie of Paris. My father died May 5, 1912. I went to Round Valley before for a few days and stayed for several days. I took Pearl with me. Grandpa Stucki brought Evelyn and Mabel when he came to the funeral, but Wendell didn't get to come.

In the spring of 1913 Joseph built a small cabin up on the dry farm and we moved up there for the summer. Father had given me the tent so we stretched it out up at the farm and really enjoyed sleeping out.

When fall came and our crops were all harvested we found we had enough finances to finish paying for the farm. That was a great day of Thanksgiving. Yes indeed! in more ways than one.

On December 4, 1913 our second son, John Max was born. We were very grateful for such numerous blessings. Mother and Grandmother Stucki were both present and Dr. Cooley. I remember how they all remarked about what large, bright blue eyes and brown curly hair he had. It seemed he was wide awake and ready for the fray. So contented and happy. How we loved him! Another boy. We all went to Church and Grandfather Stucki and Joseph named him Max.

It was good to have the dry farm, but disturbing to move from town to farm. About this time the Utah Power and Light Company was constructing what is now known as Camp Lifton at the north end of Bear Lake. This is an immense pumping plant where the water is pumped into or out of Bear Lake. Bear Lake is used as a reservoir to store water then taken out for irrigation purposes to Cache and other lower valleys. Joseph secured work on this project hauling material with team and equipment.

It was fall. We were still living in the little Vaterlaus house on the corner of First South and First East in town. We were conscious of Halloween pranksters. The heavy carpet of leaves warned us that Dr. Cooley was coming to bring our beautiful little Madge. Our 8lb. daughter with blue eyes and a profusion of dark hair reaching almost to her shoulders. Such a beautiful child. We all joined in attending Church when Grandfather Stucki blessed her and Joseph named her Madge. We loved her very dearly. We didn't have her very long. The day she was a year old she came down with measles. From that time on she never was really well. She took one cold after another and finally it turned to pneumonia. She died January 17, 1917. Kind, good friends and neighbors and relatives came to help. These kindnesses are things we like to remember.

At this time Pearl also was taken sick with a siege of pneumonia. She was six years old. She was out of school for three months.

I continued attendance at Relief Society and the children attended Primary until we moved to the farm. The family sewing and farm work took my attention during the summer. Toward the middle of the summer we decided our growing family would require larger living quarters. I chose to investigate the possibility of getting the home where I now live. We moved into the house 20 August 1917. Just a few days after, September 14, 1917, our third son, Glenn Price was born. This gave us three living boys and three living girls. Glenn was a bright blue eyed, straight blond haired, nine pound boy. Full of cooing and coaxing, always wanting something, but so loving and good. Madge Crawford worked for me, though the girls helped.

Joseph made some arrangements about the farm and phosphate was found on our land. Joseph was hired by the city as City Marshall for a year. We finally sold the farm and went into the grocery and meat business with the Pendry Brothers, forming what was known as the Pendry Grocery and Meat Company. Joseph was the butcher and took the responsibility of the meat department. Joseph became a teacher in the Sunday School and we all attended Church regularly.

On October 20, 1919 our fourth son, Smith Price was born. He was a bright blue eyed boy with wavy blond hair and a most loveable cry. A hernia developed at birth and was discovered when he was ten days old. Sister Louisa Cole, a trained nurse and my friend and relative found this to be true and did all she could about a possible remedy. Dr. R. J. Sutton, my attending doctor, said good care may be all that would be needed. Evelyn, Mabel and Pearl did all the house work while I was indisposed. We were very proud of them.

It was a meaningful Thanksgiving that year. I really counted my many blessing.

In May 1922 my mother fell and broke her hip. She was in the hospital in Montpelier under the care of Dr. George F. Ashley. I was very concerned about her and made repeated trips to see her in spite of the fact that I was not well myself. After she was well enough to go to live with Myrtle we made trips to see her. We had bought the old Overland car just before that so we felt like it was a real opportunity to get out and take a drive. In 1915 my sister, Alice died. Her son Darrell came to live with us.

On July 12, 1921 I gave premature birth to a baby boy at home in Paris. Dr. R.J. Sutton examined him and said he had a heart ailment and gave special directions for his care. Sister Eliza Shepherd was my nurse, and did wonderfully well. We named him soon after birth. Blessed by Daniel C. Rich, we named him Owen Price. When he was nine days old he started taking convulsions or some kind of heart spells. The doctor seemed unable to help in any way and he died July 22, 1921.

Soon after this I was asked to be BeeKeeper in the Paris First Ward MIA under Madge Hoge. I also continued Relief Society block teaching. This continued for several years. On March 11, 1923 Joseph was set apart at Ward Clerk of the Paris First Ward under Daniel C. Rich as Bishop. On March 28, 1925 he was called as one of the Seven Presidents of the Eleventh Quorum of Seventy in Bear Lake Stake. In a short while President Roy A. Welker called him to be Stake Superintendent of the YMMIA of the Bear Lake Stake. I was filled with joy and thankfulness. My prayers had been answered. His success was my happiness and I have never for one minute ceased to be grateful for these callings in the Church. We were extremely happy. Our children were growing up. The older ones were able to take care of the younger ones and they were all good and peaceable.

In 1924 Joseph's health began to fail some. Joseph had what he called bilious headaches. These seemed to be getting worse and accompanied with stomach pains. He developed ulcers of the stomach, so he sold the grocery and meat business and took up Life Insurance selling for the Oregon Mutual Life.

We took several trips together both to Salt Lake in a Church capacity and to Life Insurance conventions in the Northwest. These trips were both very entertaining and educational. I was very happy to be able to accompany my husband who met with success and approval in all capacities. This was a great time of rejoicing and we were indeed grateful for a turn of events.

At this time our older children had grown to maturity. Wendell had attended 4-H Clubs at the University of Idaho. He also attended Ricks College two years and was prepared to teach school. He taught first at Canyon Creek, Madison County Idaho. The next fall he accepted a call to fill a mission in the Swiss German Mission from September 1926 to November 1928. Evelyn also attended Ricks College and prepared to teach school. She first taught at Eight Mile in Bear Lake County during September of 1925.

In the fall of 1924 we made a trip to Brigham City for a supply of fruit. While there Joseph was taken ill with the usual headaches, nausea, and hemorrhage. We made a hurried trip home and consulted a doctor who advised us to consult a specialist. We made some inquiries and learned of a Dr. Golighty, located in the Boston Building in Salt Lake. As soon as possible we went to Salt Lake and consulted this doctor. Thorough examination revealed the presence of a grape-like growth in the bladder. A series of treatments or operations were performed by the use of an electric needle to burn away the "grapes". It was the breaking off of one of these small grape-like growths that caused the hemorrhage. Several trips were necessary to accomplish this, but it was finally done and he had no more trouble in that way, but was not well otherwise. However, he kept on working.

In the spring of 1925 I finally convinced him he should consult more than one doctor and really have something worthwhile done for him. Accordingly he consulted several doctors, Dr. King, Gertner of Montpelier, and Dr. More and Sutton of Paris. He came home very discouraged. They had decided he had but two years to live. The stomach ulcers had undermined his health so that his life would be short. We talked about this together. Of course, I did not believe in the diagnosis. Why give up and say goodby. I felt that if we had the faith and determination he could get well; that God would heal his body and restore him to health and strength. He asked me what I would do under such circumstances. I told him I thought I would try to fill every day and night with all the good I could think of to fill every minute of my remaining days. This he did. Everyone loved him and his passing was a loss to all who knew him. He naturally had many opposite opinions and influences to combat, but he faithfully persevered through this period.

It was in December his condition became quite intolerable. He thought of a combination trip to Salt Lake. He expected to write an insurance policy for Dr. Rich Pugmire, and he being a doctor too, Joseph thought he might be able to arrange for medical care. Accordingly he left Paris by car. Uncle Charles Cole went with him. The next four days were spent trying to accomplish his goal. The outcome was he agreed to a thorough medical examination with all kinds of tests. He called me on the phone and asked me to come, that he planned to enter the LDS Hospital on the 16th. I complied with his wishes. I arranged things at home. Pearl was the oldest with the four boys, Max, Darrell, Glenn and Price. Pearl was very efficient and a senior in High School. Max and Darrell had the care of the cows and chores. Glenn and Price did house chores like getting in coal and wood and cared for Tut the dog.

I arrived in Salt Lake at 9:15 the evening of December 15th. We stayed at the White Hall Hotel. The next morning he entered the hospital. Dr. Pugmire advised four days rest with medical treatment for a cold before the operation. On December 20th they performed the operation, which lasted four and a half hours. Joseph insisted that I watch, which I did from an elevated standing position. Then came the fight--a losing one. I engaged the services of two special nurses and the best known specialist in the west, Dr. Cowan. He was administered to by Rex Madsen. He was rational until a hypo was administered. He died at 2:10 p.m. December 24, 1927.

After arranging for Larkin Mortuary to take charge of the body, I went to the home of my niece, Gwen Nate on P Street. I had called for President George Albert Smith, the Superintendent of the MIA for the Church, the night before but he was not available, but the next morning he came to see me at P Street. He was kind and gave me many comforting words. I shall always remember his kindness. His son, George Albert Jr. was serving in the same mission with Wendell and were companions for a time.

I had a special casket made. As Christmas came on Sunday that year, all preparation had to be made that day. Because of everything being of larger size some of the clothing had to be made special. All this was finally completed, thanks to the efficient help of C.R. Nate, my nephew in-law, with whom I stayed. An autopsy was made was made after Woodruff, Joseph's brother, arrived from Moroni and before the 10:15 train, to take the body back to Paris.

Due to another funeral, that of Sister Annie Tueller being set for the 27th, our services were set for December 28th. Funeral offerings were beautiful. Many friends and dignitaries came.

After the funeral my problems mounted. Although Joseph told me a great many things about our business affairs, it came hard for me because he had always handled our affairs. Many projects, Church, ward and stake, insurance, probating the estate, phosphate, farm, and home as well as family affairs.

My family was my great concern. When would be the proper time to send a wire to Wendell. I wrote to him telling him all about it. Later I sent a wire. Even that reached him before the letter. My heart was torn with grief for my children. They all loved him so dearly.

Evelyn married to Howard E. Thirkill February 18, 1926 in the Logan Temple. They lived on Whitman's ranch at Eight Mile.

Mabel continued summer school at Ricks. In July I left Pearl and the boys to go with Eliza to visit Fred in American Lake, Washington. While I was away Glenn had a terrible accident. He was on his way to get the cows from the pasture. The horse fell on him and caused a concussion, from which he never rallied. He died August 2, 1928. Kind friends and neighbors and relatives did all they could. I am very grateful for all these things.

The following winter Max and Darrell attended school in various buildings around town because Fielding had burned to the ground. Price attended Emerson. Mabel returned to Paris and taught third grade at Emerson.

On November 16, 1928, Wendell returned from his mission and was married to Lasca Allred November 30th. Pearl was attending Ricks College staying at Uncle Ezra Stucki's. That winter we bought our Brunswick Radio. I was President of the First Ward Primary, block teacher in the Relief Society. Mabel was in the Mutual.

Next year Mabel went to B.Y.U. and Pearl to Ricks. Wendell was in the Elders Quorum. Max was the secretary of the Deacons and MIA. and took part in plays at MIA and at high school. Price finished the fifth grade in the spring of 1931. That summer I bought him a roan pony and he was real happy to take the cows to and from the pasture and help with chores. It was in July when he was doing these chores and the strain of riding that his old rupture came back. He was very ill and it was sometime before we could reach a doctor. He was finally operated and it was pronounced unsuccessful and the trouble was complicated. He died July 26, 1931 in the Ashley hospital in Montpelier. Many friends and flowers, words and letters of condolence were received.

Max and Darrell were in their senior year of high school during 1931-1932 at Fielding. Mabel was teaching fifth grade at Emerson and Pearl was teaching at Eight Mile.

Life was now full of changing conditions. My growing family was continually changing and each one was engaged in interesting and rewarding activities. I was contented in the fact that I believed in them and that they were trying to do their best.

Wendell became the father of a fine son. My first grandson, Rodney, born January 6, 1930. Wendell attended U.S.A.C. that spring quarter. My heart was with each one's success or failure. Mabel came home from B.Y.U. and signed up to teach and Emerson and continued to do so for some time. She was married to Morris B. Athay, June 1, 1932. Pearl taught in Lanark and Eight Mile and was married to Ivin L. Gee May 25, 1932. I had some time to help them prepare for their weddings and was overjoyed to be invited to go to the temple session when each were married. Pearl in the Salt Lake Temple by Joseph Fielding Smith and Mabel in the Logan Temple and married by President Joseph R. Shepherd.

That summer Evelyn was not well, so I had to go to Eight Mile. Jean was born July 27, 1932. Max and Darrell lived at home when they were not working. Wendell and Lasca lived in my house. Max worked during haying for Wilford Rich on his ranch in Bern. Mabel lived in the little white house by Uncle Dan's. Bill was working on the forest.

In the fall of 1932 I went with Max and Darrell to Ogden to live where they found work and attended Weber College. We rented an apartment in the Fourth Ward. We enjoyed the ward. Attended Mutual and the different organizations. I was a Bluebird teacher in Primary and block teacher in Relief Society, and on the activity committee in the adult class in Mutual. I enjoyed this very much.

Mother came to visit with me two or three times which made me very happy. Her health was very poor, because she was suffering from heart trouble. In March Myrtle called saying mother wanted me to come to her. Max took me down in our little car that very night. She lived a little more than twenty-four hours after I got there. She died March 5, 1933. Her body was taken to the Larkin Mortuary in Ogden. We had the funeral at the Laketown Ward and burial in the Round Valley cemetery.

I returned to Ogden to be with the boys and later found work in Scowcroft's Company Dressmaking Mfg. Wendell's baby daughter, Nan, was born May 22, 1933. I came home for a few weeks. Then got word of more work. I went back to Ogden and stayed about three weeks, but the work didn't last. I made one final decision at that time that I would return to Paris and work for my children and give up trying to get work in any other way. This I did. Staying and working for first one and then the other. This continued during the 1930's. I rented my home but kept one room for myself where I could go if I wanted to. During the summer of 1933 Max got work in the CCC Camp in Blacksmith Fork Canyon. Darrell worked, during haying on the Robinson ranch at Border. He stacked hay for 50 cents per day. Letter he got work on the CCC Camp and they sent him to Boise. He worked in the mountains around Arrow Rock Dam. He wrote occasionally, but I was very worried. At Thanksgiving time he said he was not well and as soon as possible would go to Boise for a checkup. The next word was he would be operated the next day. I tried to phone, but could not reach him. The next word--a telegram--come if I wanted to see him alive. Still no way to get word by phone. I left by train at midnight. I reached the hospital at four in the morning. He had passed away at midnight, December 1, 1934. I put the body in a mortuary. Bought clothes, a casket and did all the preparing. I left Boise at 9:15 the next night. As my home was rented and Wendell lived in the Allred home I took the body there. The funeral was held on Max's birthday, December 4, 1934. All the relatives who could came. A good funeral.

Max was now on his mission. I lived at Evelyn's and cared for Mary Lou and Jean while she taught school in Eight Mile. This was especially kind of Evelyn and Howard to do this because it gave me a way to earn some money to help with Max's mission. I continued this until Max returned from his mission, in November 1936. He had made acquaintance with the Stoler family and valued their friendship. He also saw better prospects for work in Fort Wayne, Indiana, so he decided to return at once. This was a sore trial for me because I planned a college education for him and wanted to be near him. I continued to work for Evelyn while she was teaching. In October of 1936 I got appendicitis and was operated. Max came home. He took my car back and bought his own. Max married Doris Stoler, July 1, 1937 in the Salt Lake Temple and returned to Ft. Wayne. He learned electrical engineering. He came west several times. On one trip he got Mr. Innes to help him make a covering of cement on the outside of the foundation of my house. I have really appreciated it these many years. It made the house seem more solid. Ivin, Pearl and Mabel painted my house in 1943.

I am very happy and indeed satisfied that I was born into the world at the precise time and place and to the parents I came to live with. This is a most wonderful world to live in at this day and age. There is so much to be thankful for.

In the time I have lived we have advanced in transportation from the ox team stage to the missle age when we can circle the earth in an hour or less. In farm equipment we have advanced from the shovel and had tools, flail, scythe and cradle to machines that gather grain and produce all sacked ready for storage. In education, sewing and all other fields just as important changes have taken place.

In my judgment the greatest of all of these changes that have come to the world in the last century and done the most good, is in the field of religion. Although some great things happened before my birth, before Joseph Smith saw the vision at Hill Cumorah and organized the Church and some of my ancestors had joined this new Church, they were faithfully forming the wonderful setting I am now enjoying. I feel the many changes that have taken place have brought about the present conditions so we can now enjoy the Church to the fullest.


Note by Marlys Athay Brown: I found this history, handwritten by my Grandmother, Mary Ann Price Stucki in going through items from mother's home. I have copied it as it was written, although Grandmother lived and experienced much from 1943 on that was not recorded.  


Note by Martell Gee:  Most of the genealogical research that is now in the Ancestral File (TM) on her and her husband's ancestral lines (e.g. Stucki, Butler, Price, Reed, etc families) was researched and submitted by Mary Ann Price Stucki.  Many members of the Gee family owe her a debt of gratitude for the many hours, days, years that she spent researching our lines as well.