Joseph Smith Stucki

A Life Sketch by his sister Madge with Tributes from others who knew him well. 

When John U. and Jane Butler Stucki were the parents of five children the angel of death entered their home and claimed their youngest child Hyrum, a baby boy one and one half months old. This sorrow left the parents stunned and the home seemed lonely and sad so two years later, June 1, 1884, when another baby boy came to their home their joy was boundless and they poured out their thanksgiving in prayers of gratitude to their Heavenly Father.

This new baby was so like the baby they had lost and yet so different. He had the same baby smile but as the other little head had been crowned with golden hair this baby’s hair was as black as the raven and his eyes like the brown of the chestnut. Even as a tiny baby you could see the lights and the shadows play in those beautiful eyes and the dimples chase each other over his baby face.

They gave this boy the name of Joseph Smith Stucki, naming him after the Prophet Joseph Smith. He grew rapidly and before they realized it he was asking questions and giving his opinions on important and unimportant matters. There was a mischievous light in his big brown eyes that kept people guessing. He lived to the very bottom of his soul - when he was happy he sparkled all over; when he was sad even the angels seemed to stop smiling.

Upon one occasion Father took the older children, Charles, Maria, and Will, to Montpelier to the circus. When they came home they were enthusiastically telling about the lions, the tigers, and the bears, the elephants, the horses, the dogs, the monkeys, etc. But it wasn’t long until Joseph took the whole show right away from them. He roared like the lions and the tigers, barked like the dogs, pranced like the horses and told every one that came all about the wonderful circus. You would have thought he was the one who had seen the circus. Charles, Maria and Will were soon relegated into the background.

He had such an inquisitive mind he had to find out what made everything tick. When he was just a little fellow he would take the clock apart to find the tick but was never able to put it together again. But this very trait of inquisitiveness was an asset to him. He had to delve deep into every problem that came his way to find out the "Whys and the Wherefores." His mind was very analytical, he was a deep thinker and coupled with these qualities his judgment was sound and good. Even as a child he would startle his parents by the wisdom of his decisions.

He attended grade school at the place of his birth, Paris, Idaho and then entered Fielding Academy also at Paris. The school at that times gave only two years of high school work, but these two years he accomplished with honors. He was gifted with the ability and inspiration of an artist. His drawings called forth the praise and admiration of the instructor, Richard T. Haag. He later took a short course in pastel and charcoal painting and did exceptionally well. His soul thrilled to be able to express his emotions and feeling through the medium of art- painting beautiful pictures. All of his children have some of his pictures in their homes at the present time, April 1954. These pictures are lovely and add beauty and distinction to the room they adorn.

It was while he was attending school at the Fielding Academy that he met his future wife, Mary Price, of Round Valley, Utah. It was a unique coincident that these two spirits came to earth within one day of each other. Joseph’s birthday being June 1, 1884 and Marys birthday June 2, 1884.

April 4, 1904 these two young people were married at Salt Lake City. The ceremony being performed by Brother Morris. To this union nine children were born-five boys and four girls, Wendell, Evelyn, Mabel, Pearl, Max, Madge, Glenn, Price and Owen. Four out of these nine children have passed beyond the veil. Two, Madge and Owen, died before their father and two, Glenn and Price have died since his death.

The parents of these children were loving, tender and wise bringing them up in the fear of the Lord and instilling within their hearts a love of the gospel and the desire to be good citizens.

Here we must pay tribute to Joseph’s good wife, Mary. She always backed him in any decision he made regarding the children. There was oneness of purpose on the part of these parents and once a decision was made it was carried out although at times it seemed a little hard and over bearing to do but in the long run it always turned out for the best.

Joseph had a way with all children— he loved them and with that love he reached their hearts and in return they responded to his every wish. Not only his children loved him but all the children of the neighborhood. Whenever you saw him, he was surrounded by children. If he were in his car his car was full, in his wagon the wagon was full or if he were walking a group of children were at his heels. It always reminded one of the "Pied Piper of Hamlin"

Joseph and Mary made their home here in Paris most of their married life. During the first years of marriage Joseph engaged in farming and ranching. Later he was a partner with the Pendrey boys in the grocery and meat -market business. The store being where the Smith Gertsch Store is today.

When this partnership was dissolved he became an agent for the Oregon Mutual Life Insurance Company. He was very successful in this line of work and received outstanding recognition by the company. He made a number of trips to the company Headquarters at Portland, Oregon and was considered as one of their outstanding salesmen. His ideas and opinions on salesmanship were solicited by the company and incorporated in their book of instructions.

Joseph received a burning testimony of the truthfulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ when he was a boy of eighteen years. He had Scarlet Fever at that time and was very sick in fact he was so sick his life hung in the balance. The Elders were called in many times to administer to him and as a result the hand of the Lord was manifest and he was healed. With that healing came a lasting testimony that God lived, that his holy Priesthood was here on earth to bless his children and that the Prophet Joseph Smith had been an instrument in God’s hands in restoring the everlasting gospel. He had believed the gospel was true before that time but there was no doubt in his mind from then on. His testimony was deep and abiding and he tried to conform his life in accordance with that testimony First and foremost he tried to import that testimony to his children, sinking the gospel a living vital force in their lives. In conformity to that thought he sent his oldest son, Wendell, on a mission to Switzerland and encouraged all of his children to work in the different organizations of the church. When he passed away December 24, 1927 his son, Wendell, was still on his mission in Switzerland.

Joseph expressed his appreciation for the gospel by rendering service in the different organizations and the priesthood quorums. He was secretary of the deacons quorum as a boy and as he grew in years his responsibilities increased. He was a faithful visiting teacher, an outstanding instructor in the Sunday School, Ward Clerk from 1923 to 1927, one of the seven presidents of the eleventh quorum of Seventy from 1925 to 1927 being ordained to this office by Elder Rulon S. Wells. And in 1925 he was called to be superintendent of the Young Mens Mutual Improvement Association of the Bear Lake Stake. He felt his weakness in accepting this position but how he thrilled in the opportunity that was given him to work with the young people of the Stake. He loved youth and with that great love in his heart was able to draw very near to them and influence their lives for good. They were instinctively drawn to him and were eager to receive this counsel and advise[sic].

We will never forget the Gold and Green Ball held that year 1927. That was at the time when the church first started these dances with their ceremonies.  Everything was new and the people thrilled at the expectation of experiences, not witnessed before, with the fantasy of fairyland surrounding them. It was like living in a dream land with a King and a Queen holding court and the people their willing subjects. Like a God in majesty and dignity the Stake President of the Y.M.M.I.A., MY BROTHER JOSEPH, escorted the queen to her throne. This was just a short time before his death and it seemed like the powers of heaven were crowning his earthly mission with their approval. He was so handsome and the expression on his face was divine. He seemed to be looking beyond the veil into the land of eternity and to understand that he would soon be entering that eternal kingdom. All present at the dance seemed to sense and feel the sublimity of the occasion and were filled with an awe they could not understand.

In all Joseph’s church activities and in the religious training given his children equal credit is due his good wife who always stood by his side willing and ready to do her part.

Joseph was very civic minded. He loved his home town and was anxious to see it grow and develop. He served as City Councilman for two or more terms, was City Marshal for one year and his name was placed on the People’s Party Ticket for Mayor. While he was not elected to that office he gave his opponent a close race.

He was 43 years 6 months and 24 days old when died Dec. 24,1927.

In physical appearance he was tall, being 6 feet 2 inches and stood very erect. He had black curly hair, brown eyes, olive complexion, a roman nose, a good natured mouth and dimples in his cheeks whenever he smiled, which as a good share of the time. He was a handsome man, very striking in appearance.

His outstanding characteristics were: Very sympathetic, conscientious in all his undertakings and in any task that was assigned him, honest, truthful, loving and lovable, ambitious, at times impulsive- which often got him into trouble- a hard worker, a deep thinker, analytical in his nature, a kind loving husband and Father, an obedient son, a true Latter-Day Saint and a good citizen.

Though he has been separated from us by death his memory is still warm in our hearts and we are certain that we will see him and enjoy his companionship in a future day. May God bless his memory that its influence will help us, his loved ones, to live better lives with the assurance that if we do that all will be well.

Written the Spring of 1954 by Madge S. Lewis, his sister

[Editors Note: In going through the files I found the above history separately dittoed and also dittoes with the following addenda attached. They are included here as one file.]



by E. W. Stucki

[Erastus Woodruff Stucki, who went by the name of Woodruff was a brother]

Joseph had several qualities that to me seemed outstanding One of these was the determination not to talk ill of other people. I remember on many occasions when we were in a group of someone’s name being brought up in not too friendly a fashion. Joseph did not have any bad things to add but on the contrary would try and pass the subject up or bring in good points of whoever was being discussed.

I have always admired and sometimes almost envied his ability to get along with kids. He used to take his children fishing or on any other little trip he happened to be making. His car would always be full of neighbor kids as well as his own.

Joseph and I used to have some very amusing times. Whenever we happened to meet at Mother’s, which was quite often, we would have to compete in stunts, as lifting chairs by one of the front legs of the chair, gripping a broom handle, Indian wrestling, measuring height, wrists, and comparing weight. He delighted in calling me the baby elephant.

He was always most friendly and the kind of man you liked to be with.



by D. C. Rich

[Daniel C. Rich was a cousin]

At the age of about ten or eleven Joseph and I began to develop a friendship and companionship the like of which is seldom found in human associations. At that time the foothills west of Paris were the common cow pasture of the town. Our job was to take Stucki and Rich cows to the top of Mill Hill and watch them until they were contentedly grazing before we returned home. Then at mid afternoon to round them up and bring them home. Frequently some of them had gone as far as the Pine Flat and the Humburg Hollow. We soon learned that cooperation made our task much easier and that was the beginning of a life-long friendship.

Also our dad’s ranches joined each other and during the haying season we visited back and forth in the evening.

In 1902 we were classmates in the Fielding Academy and were together a good deal in school activities. He helped me get my first date with his sister Annie, which was the beginning of a four year courtship that resulted in our marriage in 1906.

That fall when we moved to the ranch to feed cattle, Joseph and Mary were our only neighbors and again after the work was done we visited each other frequently.

A year later Joseph and I became companion salesmen of Loverin & Brown groceries and spent most of the summer together. That was the time we became companions in the dread disease of smallpox and gave the people of Paris the scare of their lives. All of which seemed to increase our friendship.

For a number of years because of my school activities we were not together so much, but when my family returned from Star Valley in 1920 our families became almost as one family. It was at that time that Joseph taught me to butcher hogs and prepare veal for market.

A little later he took me with him and taught me what I could learn about life insurance salesmanship and got me a job with Oregon Life Insurance Company. When he put me on my own I flunked within a few weeks. He could not save me.

He had found the job, which he liked best and became the best insurance salesman in Bear Lake County. Within a few years he set up an insurance program for his family that became their financial salvation a little later.

In the fall of 1922 Joseph became Ward Clerk of Paris 1st Ward, a position which he filled with proficiency and enthusiasm. He soon attracted the attention of the stake authorities and they made him Superintendent of the Bear Lake Stake Young Men’s Mutual Improvement Association.

In all these activities and many more, he exhibited characteristics of honesty, trustworthiness, loyalty, dependability and true friendship. His devotion to his friends, his church, to proper civic activities were unswerving. He loved children and they swarmed around him. He was full of love and sympathy with a keen desire to succor those in need.

Like Abou Ben Adam he was one who loved his fellow man.



by his son J. Wendell Stucki

Since my father was only twenty when I was born my memories of his life cover almost his last twenty years, which ended at age forty-three. Perhaps it is his youth and vigor that made me often wonder if that big boy could really be my dad. My first recollection or awareness of him was the loneliness I felt when he left home to go sell groceries. Our period of quarantine for Smallpox was welcome to me, because it required his presence. While we lived in Burley I was so proud to be able to go with him occasionally. I recall he bet an associate $1.00 he could call old Maud from the pasture with other horses. (It seemed miles away to me.) I was surely proud of that mare and my dad when she came running to him in response to his call. I can still name many of the events and people who came into our life during that period at Burley. Mothers long illness with Typhoid seemed a never ending tragedy and was a special challenge.

The capacity to actually correct the mistakes one makes is one of the great virtues my dad acquired. He held no grudges and his experiences brought wisdom beyond his years. He would ask forgiveness and was always sympathetic and understanding regarding my problems. He was also thoughtful of his parents. I often think his consideration of them as being almost over done, if that is possible. He worked for grandfather for almost nothing, even at the expense of his own family. He could hardly let a day pass without calling on grandmother Stucki. He seemed to see only virtues in them and in his brothers and sisters. He seemed to think that the unity of the family was the most important thing in the world, and would sacrifice most everything else for it.

At the time I left for my mission he was ward clerk in the Paris 1st Ward, Supt. of the Bear Lake Stake Young Men’s Mutual Improvement Association, and a member of the Seven Presidents of the Eleventh Quorum of Seventies. He possessed unusual ability as a leader and gave of himself unselfishly to all good causes in the community as well. He was the County President of the Farm Bureau and a member of the Lions Club.

One morning in February when I was a junior in High School, I announced that I had been to school sufficiently for my education. He agreed and put me to work. After two days I discovered I was missing too much so the third morning I quietly dressed myself and slipped off to school. I can still see the smile on his face, but he never spoke one word. He knew my problems and how to anticipate them in kindness.

My last meeting with him was in Salt Lake City at the time I left for my mission on September 10, 1926. He saw one of my companions bidding good-bye to his wife and four children and said to me; "That is the time when leaving is really hard." He followed me to the train. I boarded a day coach and as the train began to move he walked along side urging me to arrange for a Pullman rather than stay in the coach.

In my mind he became one of the greatest of men and it is my prayer that I become a worthy son.



By Mabel Stucki Athay [daughter]

Extending my memory back more than thirty-three years to the death of my father and beyond to my childhood has brought forth some fond recollections. They are heavily shrouded with the deep love I have always felt for my father. I cannot pay tribute to my father without including my mother, they are my parents and to them I am indebted for my life, for the loving care they have given to me. Even in my father’s absence I have been aware of his influence and concern for me, and at times I have felt his presence near me.

Some of my earliest memories are of Mother and Father singing to us children. Some of the songs they sang were, "Wait Till the Sun Shines, Nellie", "In My Merry Oldsmobile", "Silver Threads Among the Gold", and another about myrtle and the ivy bloom. It was a sad song about someone dying and being laid in the tomb, I always wanted to cry when they sang it. Then he had a splendid song, which he taught to us about a couple who named their baby boy every name they could find. How we used to laugh and have fun when he would bounce us on his foot and sing it to us.

Father was an amateur artist; but to my childhood eye, he was a great artist. I remember the picture which, for many years, hung on the walls of our home, the lady carrying a bundle of sticks, and the winter sunset. There was one of the heads of several horses, which was never put into a frame. He had done this one in charcoal; to me it was beautiful. I shall always cherish a picture I have which he did of a dog. He did this one when he was a boy of seventeen while convalescing from a siege of scarlet fever. He was a clever cartoonist. He could draw Jiggs and Maggie or Mutt and Jeff with a few strokes of the pencil and tell a story while he drew. He spent hours entertaining the children of the family with this activity.

I shall mention a few of the many lessons taught to me by my father, by his example as well as by his precept.

He taught me to assume responsibility. When I was five years old he allowed me to go to the ranch and be his cook and housekeeper. He spent that winter, feeding cattle on Grandfather’s ranch. How persistently I did what he told me to do while he went out in the cold to feed the cows. As I grew older he reminded me of my duty to share responsibility with mother and the other members of the family. Many times he helped us to organize our work, and share the responsibility fairly.

He taught me to love work. I never remember of seeing my father idle. He liked to read and when he had some spare time from his work he spent it in reading good books. Our home was always supplied with good books and magazines. In the last few months of his life he and I were having a contest to see which could finish reading the Book of Mormon first. He faithfully spent thirty minutes each day reading it.

He taught me to love little children. Our home was blessed with little children. I remember when the five youngest children of the family were born. I remember of seeing father holding a tiny baby in his arms and hearing him comment on the blessings of having children in the home; that each child brought a blessing. This made me feel loved and wanted. The mere memory brings back the warm feeling in my heart.

We all loved to clamber about him and take turns sitting on his lap. He used to say very often to Mother, "We do love our children, don’t we, Mother?" As we older ones grew up and the younger ones were old enough, he would take them Max, Darrell, Glenn and Price and all the cousins and friends on the street with him as he went out in the car. All children loved him.

I could confide my secret feelings and aspirations with my father. I remember how he taught me to go with only Latter-day Saint boys. To keep myself clean and pure, to respect and love the members of the family and to forgive when differences came up.

He made sacrifices himself and we all shared to help send Wendell on a mission. Father was so proud that Wendell could go on a mission; we were all so very proud of him.

Father taught me to give service to the church and to continue until released by those in authority and not give up and seek to be released just because the job became difficult or distasteful to me. He served many years as the ward clerk of our ward and also as Superintendent of the Stake Young Men’s Mutual Improvement Association.

He taught me to make opportunities for myself to succeed. He encouraged me to go to school. When I had completed High School, Wendell was on his mission, and we were deep in the depression. Father deeply regretted the fact that he had no money to give me for further education. He encouraged me to go to the bank and borrow the money to go to school, and he would sign the note with me. I did this, but father passed away only a few months after. Later when I obtained a teaching position I was able to repay the loan. I am very grateful for his encouragement to me. I knew a little of his own hard work. I remember when he accepted the job as salesman for the Oregon Mutual Life Insurance Company. He worked many long hours. He was energetic and enthusiastic in his work, and rose to be the top salesman of the company. He received much recognition and praise from his company.

He taught me love and respect for the members of the family. He deeply loved his own brothers and sisters, and did many thoughtful deeds for them. His deep love and affection for his mother were an inspiration to me. The love and companionship I enjoyed with Grandmother Stucki were prompted by father’s thoughtfulness and love for her.

I know that my father had faults; but I remember him for his virtues. His example which I shall always cherish was his desire to overcome his weaknesses and in doing good unto others. He set a worthy example for us, his children. I shall always love and respect my Mother for her love and devotion to Father, because she has been the guide and light in our family in supporting and loving Father as the head of our home.



By Pearl Stucki Gee [daughter]

One of my memories of my father is of him singing to us at night before we went to bed. The songs we used to like to have him sing were "Casey Jones", "Darby Town" and "The Bull Frog".

I remember when I was quite small all of Grandmother’s family went to the Bear Lake Hot Springs on an outing. It was in the days before many cars, so we went in white top buggies. It was indeed a gala occasion. It seemed to me we cooked for days before the outing, and I guess everyone else did, because there was more food than I think I had ever seen before. We had a wonderful time. The huge pool (huge at that time) rather frightened me but father let me ride on his back and he took me all around to show me that there was nothing to be afraid of. He did a "Frog Swim" that I thought was just super, and took us on his back around the pool.

It rained as we ate that wonderful food, but that only made the outing more exciting to me. I shall never forget the joy I felt in knowing that Grandmother and so many of her children were there with their families. Father loved children and in all my memories of him he seemed to draw youngsters to him. I especially remember how he took Max, Glenn, Price and Darrell with him in the car, and as many of the neighbor youngsters as could crowd in with them. We had many good times together. Father was always in sympathy with a party or fun. He would take us to Bear Lake on the Fourth of July and help us enjoy the boating and swimming. We always had a picnic and that seemed the very best part to me.

I remember how very much Father enjoyed going up to "Mother’s" on Sunday afternoon. I didn't get to go very often, but father always made it a point to see Grandmother at least once a week.

I remember when I was high school age Father was always willing that we go to the M.I.A. summer home to enjoy the three days there. He would help take us and our luggage and food.

I remember one Saturday night I wanted especially to go to the Lake to the dance, so Father said he would take me. It was such fun that night and a group of my friends urged me to come back with them as one of the fellows didn’t have a date and wanted me to go home with him. I searched out father and told him of our plans. He was most insulted. He had brought me, and he thought it was only fair and right that I go home with him. Although I couldn’t see his point right at that tine, I learned a good lesson from that, and have appreciated his wisdom.

My parents taught me values that truly have been a light and a guide to me in my life. They have helped me to love the gospel and have a desire to do those things that our Heavenly Father desires His children to do. I am most grateful for my heritage. I am thankful I am a member of this wonderful family and that I can pass on to my children and my children’s children the good name and the blessings that came in being one of this family.


J S Stucki Funeral

Minutes of the funeral services of Joseph Stucki held Wednesday, December 28th, 1927 at the Paris First Ward Chapel.

Charles G. Longhurst conducted the Services.

Opening Song "Some time We’ll Understand" by Ward Choir. Prayer was offered by James L. Dunford. "I’ll go Where You Want me to Go Dear Lord" solo by Dorothy Austin, Choir joined in Chorus.

The first speaker was W. Smith Hoge, president of the Quorum of Seventies, of which the deceased was a member. Mr. Hoge said he was about the same age as Brother Stucki, that they had been closely associated, that he was a man of honor and could be depended upon. When he was in town they knew he would be present at the meetings, that he was a pillar of strength in the Seventies Quorum and that he was not only a good church worker but an excellent worker in civic affairs as well, that they had always found him honest and faithful in discharging his duties.

Second speaker was Wilford W. Richards, former president of the Quorum of Seventies. He spoke of the fine character of Brother Stucki and said that he felt that he was well prepared to go, that there was one disappointment and that was the separation caused by his death. He said Brother Stucki was a friend to man and his life was well fitted to the poem "Let me Live In a House By the Side of the Road and be a Friend to Man".

Brother Guyman superintendent of the Montpelier Stake Y.M.M.I.A. was the third speaker and said that he had known Brother Stucki for twenty years and his soul was filled with sorrow in his passing away. He said, "I feel that you have lost a friend and I have lost a friend." He stated that he believed Brother Stucki had a presentiment of this occasion and related parts of a conversation, which had passed between them in which Brother Stucki had told him how thankful he was to have a son in the mission field and of the satisfaction he had received in his Mutual work. Said he believed it was a truth when he said Brother Stucki had done more to make a feeling of Brother-hood between the two Stakes than any other man. He told the family to keep in mind the reuniting of loved ones in the Resurrection.

A letter of Condolence from the Stake M.I.A. was read by Oliver Dunford. The letter follows:

To the dear, bereft family of our departed brother, Joseph S. Stucki, we, your saddened friends, his fellow laborers in the cause of Mutual Improvement in the Bear Lake Stake, both Young Ladies and Young Men, unite in assuring you of our great sorrow at your irreparable loss; and our heartfelt sympathy in this great bereavement.

To the aged mother we would say, "God bless you Sister Stucki for having given to the world so noble a son."

To the devoted wife we would declare that we also found your husband a most congenial, lovable character, who wove himself into our very beings and captured our affections.

To the heart broken sons and daughters of our beloved brother, we say, "Take courage, be of good cheer, for we, who knew your father best --outside of the family circle—who have worked with him, traveled with him, counseled with him, are free to say that you are the offspring of an honest, truthful, upright man, a man of intelligence and sound understanding, full of faith and integrity. In your father’s life and exemplary career you have all that is noble and beautiful to emulate.

Our sincere condolence extends to all the grief stricken relatives and sorrowing friends.

This wonderful presentation of beautiful floral offerings attests the esteem in which our brother was held. All are fully merited and highly valued as expressions of true love for our noble friend and his family.

That the absence of a floral piece from the M.I.A. may not be misunderstood, it is only fair to say that the Mutuals chose to present the material manifestation of their sympathy in the form of a check intended to assist in the heavy burden of expense incident to this occasion.

We invoke the choicest blessing a of the Lord upon the family, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

The solo "Face to Face" was sung by Chase Kearl.

President Wm. L. Rich, the fourth speaker, said that Brother Stucki had been called away in the prime of life, with many prospects before him and left a large family who needed him but yet we feel that all is well. The Lord calls the young as well as the old, which is all in the plan of life. He said that Brother Stucki died from an operation which was believed would prolong his life; he also said that he was born of goodly parents and his good wife had always been a help to him. He then told about Brother Stucki’s unselfishness in taking the two children who were left motherless when his wife’s sister passed away. The one boy was given a home and schooling until he was ready to start out in life for himself while the other still remains with the family as one of them. President Rich also spoke of the rapid rise Brother Stucki had made in the community and enumerated his fine qualities, stating that he had always found him straight forward in his transactions and a man who would put forth every effort to do what he was called on to do. He had put forth an effort to keep his son on his mission and had succeeded. Brother Rich closed his remarks by asking the blessings of the Lord upon the bereaved family.

The fifth speaker was Wilford Rich a neighbor and a very close associate of the family. He expressed himself as being proud of his association with the family, all of whom were very devoted to each other. He said he had never known a more thoughtful man of his mother than Brother Stucki had been, seemed to find time to visit her often; also said that he felt deeply the loss of his friend and prayed that God’s blessings would be with the family.

A solo, One Fleeting Hour" by Libbie Cook

President Roy A. Welker was the sixth speaker. He said he felt honored in occupying this position, that the death of Brother Stucki was a loss to the community as well as to relatives and friends. Expressed a wish that Brother Stucki’s wife might be able to stand up there and tell the people some of the things she had told her friends in regard to Brother Stucki’ s home life, that Sister Shepherd might tell of him as a neighbor, that some of the men who had had dealings with him might tell us what they knew of him. He said he was glad that Brother Hoge had spoken for the Quorum of the Seventies, Brother Richards for the family, Brother Guyman for the Montpelier Stake M.I.A., and William and Wilford Rich as they had known him. He spoke of his splendid devotion to his family, to his whole community. Said he had charity and love and his whole life seemed to be bent on serving his fellow-man. "He may have had faults as all of us have, but he strove hard to overcome any faults he may have had." Said he hoped that his son, Wendell, who is doing Missionary work in Germany would be able to remain on his mission, that he seemed to be following in his father’s foot-steps. Brother Welker said the family was a fine family, that he had had the children in his classes in school and he knew they had received the right training at home and had had a good example set for them because it was reflected back in their lives. Predicted that they would grow up to be a credit to the family. He concluded by asking the blessings of the Lord upon them and told the people not to forget them in their sorrow, then spoke a few words to the family regarding the reuniting of the whole family in Eternity.

Bishop Daniel C. Rich was the seventh speaker. He stated that he was glad for the privilege of speaking and expressed his appreciation for the service rendered by Joseph Stucki in the First Ward. Said that since his own brother died, Joseph had been more like a brother to him than his younger brothers, as they seemed more like his boys. Said that he and Joseph had been intimately associated since they were very small boys, had grown up together, courted their girls together and since their marriage had almost been one large family. He said their families were bound together in ties of love, which he hoped would always continue. Brother Rich to1d of Brother Stucki’s valuable services in the ward, said he was not only Ward Clerk, but their counselor, the Bishopric looked to him for advice and counsel. "I don’t know what our community will do without Joseph. If the ward ever had a daddy it was he." He said children found a companion in him for he always found time to take his own, and any other children he met for a ride in his car. "Even the little tots in our community will miss him." Said his own children mauled over Joseph more than they did over him. The Bishop said when Wendell was called on a mission his father didn't know how he could afford to send him, but he wanted him to go and said he would work harder to keep him on a mission. He sent his and struggled manfully to support his family and keep Wendell in the mission field and we should try to keep him there now. He further stated that Brother Stucki was a liberal man, always at the top in helping out wherever he could. He asked the Lord to bless and strengthen the family in their loss and said that Brother Stucki’s mission must be a greater one than any he could ever have had.

A telegram from the Oregon Life Insurance Company, of which Brother Stucki was an agent was read by Charles G. Longhurst.

A letter of condolence from the "Lions Club of Paris" was also read by Brother Longrhurst. The letter follows:

To Mrs. Joseph S. Stucki and her family, and Mrs. Jane Stucki, the mother, and her family, and others connected with Joseph S. Stucki:

In this hour of bereavement of one so tender and dear to you, words are small means with which to express condolence, and yet there is a duty upon us that we feel can be discharged in no other way.

We know how your hearts are mourning this day, but permit us to suggest that you had a splendid husband, father, son, brother and friend. Surely it has been much better to have had and lost him than not to have had him at all. How much of richness of life, of joy, of happiness he has already brought to you, and how much, after the pangs of this moment, will his memory continue to bring through the days that are yours.

We mourn with you, but our hearts will be gladdened with yours in the memory of a good and true friend.

May God, the Author and Dispenser of life, sustain and comfort you all, heal up the wounds now sore, and bring you back to the duties of life courageous and strong, holding you in the light of love and service till He calls you to join him who has but gone on ahead to prepare the way for a glorious reunion with you where sorrow and partings will be no more and where your cup of joy will be filled to the brim.

Respectfully and sincerely yours,


December 28, 1927 John A. Wallace, Secretary.


By the request of Sister Ester Linford, president of the Stake Primary Association and who was unable to be present Charles G, Longhurst offered words of consolation in behalf of the Primary Stake Board of which Sister Stucki is a member. Brother Longhurst endorsed the words, which had been spoken by the previous speakers and said that Brother Stucki’s place would be hard to fill both in church and civic affairs. He told of the progress that Brother Wendell was making in the mission field. He said that when Wendell was transferred from the Swiss to the German Mission, the people where he had been laboring wept because of his leaving them.

He said that Brother Stucki seemed to know that he was to be called away soon and had prepared spiritually for that calling. Told of him having made a request that Alfred Shepherd sing, "I Know That My Redeemer Lives" at his funeral.

Solo, "I Know That My Redeemer Lives" by Alfred Shepherd.

Benediction was offered by Frank J. Foulger